Song of the day: Well, another day huh. I swear people are going for broke, they just wont stop spending their money. Its only wednesday and its this heavy, what a drag. I kinda miss those kind of euphemisms. Euphemism means a softer expression of something otherwise harsh. etymology was one of the field I had considered as I realized that coding blew chunks. Or rather just language in general, its fascinating. For example, the euphem part of euphemism is a shortened version of some long greek word for the use of words for good omens and ism as a suffix always denotes an act or action. Hell denote; evolution of denoter a middle french word which itself was derived from latin from the prefix de- and notare to note. The word wouldnt even make sense if we thought about the prefix as it is usually used: a way to denote--ah!--reversal, removal, or reduction. But there are more ways to use de- such as denote which uses it for derival, kinda ironic since that word itself uses de- but uh. its interesting stuff, makes me just want to learn languages and their intricacies for living, but no ones willing to pay money for that without some kind of profit :(. Going through my day there really wasnt much new since I was just at work and work is just putting out fires for 8 hours. new medicine seems to be working pretty well and Im at an all time new weight which in my case is good. Im finally escaping the thresholds of being underweight. Just gotta put it to good use by exercising. Honestly if I looked good fat I would just be fat since I enjoy all the new jiggling on my stomach. Makes you think how one person's blight is another's slavation, huh? Ope, almost forgot to add a song of the day. I didnt really have anything else on my brain except christmas songs, im just so jolly for december. I have this christmas watch that I adore, only problem is that it burns through batteries like no body's business, at least for the lights it does. The clockworks still runs on the batteries I put in, but the lights suck up batteries and those batteries are hella expensive. Which reminds me i have to buy an advent calendar. Quick side note: if you ever felt weird about when to use 'a' vs "an" just remember that if the word succeding the a/an has a vowel use an, it sounds more normal. Gotaa buy gloves too, its been getting colder and the steering wheel feels like an ice sculpture. Only problem is I can never find a pair that fit well. Only ones to ever fit well came with an akira cosplay I bought online. Gotta get a linter roller too. Tahnk you for reading my shopping list. I was going to say sorry, but ive learned nobody wants to hear that over a thank you in most situations. Right, song of the day, uhhh, one second, there. To you it was one second, but I spend like five minutes looking for something good. Its a song from a playlist that I listen to whenever things are stressing me out a lot. Proud to say that playlist has over 1000 views, so uh yeah im kinda big deal :p. Its a nice song that mellows me out. Not much more to say about it other than check out the group's other works. Not gonna procrastinate anymore, give me one second. There, spent way too long getting everything, but I bought some things I needed to. Cant wait for the weekend, mostly for relaxation, but also for cleaning and doing things I need to do. Cant type much more, running out of time to go to the gym. Ill type to yall tomorrow. Oh wait, the notes, last time, one second, ok here they are: a vinyl made out of the same material as a cd, elves are like turtles, and plum soda. ok thats all, cheers to your health and mine and all!