Song of the day: not gonna be a long ramble. Uneventful day. I got a new prescription today for my stomach. I had meant to grab swiss cheese so I could make ham and swiss sandwiches with the ham from thanksgiving, but decided against it after considering a piece of advice my brother gave me about cheese a while ago: "if the packaging doesnt say 'aged' dont get it, itll just taste like plastic". unfortunately, all the ones that DO say aged are hella expensive. I instead grabbed a new mousepad, scrapping my mouse across my desk is abit barbaric. Almost glossed over the song of the day. I heard it in a tiktok, how i abhor calling them that, but its the most succinct--ah see what i did there, hmmmm?--way of coloquilisim. It would notstop playing in my head, that and "the farmer in the dell, high ho the farmer in the dell". it just sound so nice, itd be good to sample those sounds for song maybe. Writing this reminded me that I really should get to doing some oimportant things that ive been putting off. Like going to gym. I always say i will, but thats during work and on the drive back. When I get home and need to get changed its a different story. I just dont want to do anything. On top of that I need to make appointments with the bank and dentist. I also gotta get new jeans since most of the ones I own are either tattered and worn--duh im not just gonna look at em ;p--, dont fit as well anymore, or are plain uncomfortable. I have pair of lee modern series that are amazing. So i have to find a place that sells them. Also gotta learn more so I can get a new job. But bluh. Thats honestly it, a bit longer than i thought, but still a bit short. The only thing im really thinking about is how muhc I dont wanna work and chess. Im almost at 1000 blitz so thats fun. The daily notes are: cigarette cotton candy, dragon snails, and a crank up sword. To our rest and relaxation, cheers and cheers.