Song of the day: Welcome back, me and you. I know that contemporarily the song of the day isnt too big of a deal. Its everywhere in my ring of interest, but isnt that what a blog/diary is for? To keep a log of what was happening? Who knows, I didnt coin the word. The song has been stuck in my brain without failure, its just such a catchy mix of slow and intense that captivates you in this higher than life thirll of the night life of the Copacabana and all its perils. Im watching a livestream of a creator i really like at the moment; woops. Or rather trying, I cannot type and listen to someone talk, its dissonance to my brain. My day was pretty uneventful, same old same young. I got there and my boss gave us supervisors a lecture about responsibility and proper communication and all i could think about was how I should have really attended a vocation school to learn a skill that would pay me the same amount I get paid now, but without being responsible for a bunch of jamokes. Like I do not give a flap or jack about being and keeping myself and our associates working at 100% becuase thats what corporate syas we should do. Corporate should try working at 100% for hours on end without fault. Higher ups will squeeze their employees and still fuck off and dawdle when they find the chance to. Its either you and your employees work at 70-80% of their maximum capacity and breathe when possible or everyone from the top to bottom works to death. I can rave about this endlessly, so ill just say that thankfully I went home early today since i had a doctors appointment. And what a LONG appointment it was, I went in at 2:30 and left at 4:30. They had me drink some sour achtung drink, breathe into two bags, schedule another appointment for a heart monitor, get an ekg, ecg? idk, and discuss some stomach medicine with my doctor. Ridiculous stuff, but I guess neccessary too. Aftwerwards I went ahead and tried to go to this local fish place that I got a lcam chowder from before. Well, my friend got it and gave it to me and it was delicious, just a bit soupier than I had hoped. Unfortunatley, theyre clsoe on mondays! Just my luck. Well not luck, I guess ignorance is better--no--more thruthful way of putting it. Unlucky would make me feel better. Did find out it was a a fish market too though, so who knows, maybe Ill splurge on a big ole fish bone and all to remind me of my childhood. I miss the ocean so much, it was so vast and beautiful in all of its horror. Ill talk on that more in a bit, just wanted to bring up that I also found a local hotdog place claiming to be world famous, so who knows might be nice to go there. Yum! But as I was saying; the ocean, I miss it. I had dreams of being an astronaut when I was growing up, but then I found out most of psace was empty and gave up and tried to become a videogame maker. With how the industry is look however, I think I dodged a bullet by not doing that. Bakc to topic, I think nowadays itd be nice to be on a ship, like a cruise or cargo. If on a cruise id rather be away from any pink collar jobs, after I quit this job, whihc I will, I wont ever do anymore service jobs if I can help it. Being out on the ocean or by it on a beach is magical to me. the mebrace of the moisture of the ocean by everything around it is wonderful. Flipflops, towels, bare skin, cool drinks, hot sand, preferably, and the relaxation all that brings is so magical. Its why I dream of eating bone in fish again. A fond memory of mine is eating with my mother by the ocean and being served a fish with its bone in and being awe struck at the amount of food we had received and appreciating it against the setting sun. So in my disappointment in lacking any fish I decided to get a burger, im getting sick of them so much now, but theyre just so easy. No forks no nothing, just grab and bite. And the rest has just been me browsing the internet at home, playing chess, and watching videos. Funk, I forgot about that livestream. Im wrapping up this pramble so I can go watch it. Cheers to peace!