Song of the day: Well its time to ramble once again. There is no need TO do so, Im keeping myself acountable to at least write a little bit. To cut the silence for anyone reading these ramblings ive added a song that I was listening to a lot today. I went down a rabbit hole of watching old family guy clips and found the musical numbers from them incredibly endearing. If the simpsons were a nicely made scrapbook with funny jokes and momentos written and stuck on the margins, then family guy is an album crammed with snippets of old magazine tabloid articles and scritched jokes that keep one awake with the knowledge that it was written with the consideration that it was rzor edge sharp dark humor. Even then with that cynical view on the mediocrity of family guy, there still was a passion for being that crude in the early seasons. I dont really know what to say beyond htat, itsd not really worth more than a, how idd i say it last time, bemused smile? I did look it up by the way, the definition for bemused, and its just amore adtiquated way of saying puzzled, perhaps in aless potent manner. I also spelled succint wrong, I think i might have done it agin, but I also now know its definition: brief and clear. I know english majors only really study how to write, and not the dictionary, but who does? Theres always a profession for everything, is it etmologists? I KNOW im spelling that wrong, but there are three professions that sound akin to that one and I already fufilled any definition quota for today. Ive actually been menaing to expand my vocabuilary as there are often times where I encounter a word that I have no clue the meaning of. I tired playing a UN made vocab game that gives rice apparantley for every word you attempt. Learning how to multiply in my brain would be nice as well, i got the gist of the 12x12 table, but I know there are real life scenarios where one would need to muliply up to 100x100 on the spot. I have not found anything to help with that yet. I do feel bad about how late I post these. Things come up or I get distracted before and during writing this up. I had just gotten a call about someone not wanting to celebrate their birthday and someone close to them was venting to me about the ordeal. After wards the former party had asked me to play a game thats quite popular these days: lethal company. Im not big on the trendiest games. I dont hold any grudge aginast things that are new, that makes you crockety and I dont want that. No, I simply just dont find them to connect with me. But I heard more good than bad about tyhis game and I con confirm, it is pretty fun. Even earlier today I had received a gift from my friend May. It was a discounted game, the sequel to the mario and rabbid one. She picked it up for 17 clams and its pretty nice. I often fear about becoming crockety. I try my best to empathize with the next generation and I think I do well enough, but who knows if my persistence to let kids enjoy their era of the world will erode or not. I was going to immediately switch over to talking about thanksgiving without any kind of segway, but reading over yesterday's rambling I realized I should at least add a break to the paragragh so thats what ill do. Thanksgiving was very nice. We all helped to get the house ready and cook. I even helped by driving over to one of the few stores that was still open. It was a small hispanic store that I often visit to satisfy any authentic cravings of hispanic snacks. I picked up mint for a gimlet, potatoes for the mash, and some semi-dried pork back called chicharrones, im not sure if im spelling that right. Sorry for the interruption, but remember my point earlier about being interrupted? Well I just cleaned my pogs piss off the christmas tree for about the 8th time, so thats "fun". And yes i put up the tree as soon as thanksgiving was over, its the best time of the year! Well back to remembering thanksgiving. I get back to the house to help out with cooking and im reminded of my brother's pastor who we went to see since the pastor that I like is a bit too dry in his delivery. Im reminded of him because here my family is all helping cook the food and my brothers pastor belives in a very nuclear family orientation where the wife does all the cooking. If i was the wife in that scenario I would expect a gift in return from everybody, that is a full kitchen's work being placed on one person while everyone lese lazes about. Well we get everything cooked aside from a few dishes that can be prepared an hour earlier than dinner and we rest and relax. And me being weird, I decide it would be nice to get all dressed up in a full black tie outfit, as so I do. Besides that there wasnt much else notable to the dinner, it was fantastic becuase we all helped out and all the leading people are amazing cooks. I drink a apple cider, and halfway through everyone decides to walk through the neighborhood to help digest the thousands of calories we just had. My friend May was there and decided to call it there. That was unfortunate because we had planned to watch Fantastic Mr Fox for the first time. But perhaps it was fortunate for her, because while I adored the film, i feel as though she would have hated it. I then headed out after letting the buzz from the cider wear down and then I just took some edibles and zoned out. I had a bit of a depressive trip, but its not worth mentioning. To wrap up, I had mentioned, i think, a desire to share some of my notes. Well, heres one of them: soda dispenser that dispenses cleaning fluids rather than soda. I think that could be practical, but who knows. Another one is uber but for workers. Like, lets say you were down a person at work and nobody was available to fill in. Rather than break yourself on a skeleton crew, you insteadhave a worker who already knows the basic working principles of the company drive over to fill in for an hour or however long. I guess you could also have them be a kind of audit or inspector for the place. I think thats definitely viable, its just the logistics , capital, and user experience that would need to be done right the first time. Well, thats everything I could think of talking about, thanks for reading this if you did. Cheers to our dreams! puzzled, confused, bewildered (would anyone argue with google?, and if so how often?) succint, brief and clear (spelled it wrong, dmmit)