Well, its only been one day, but golly it has not been easy to get this website the way I want it to. Coding is harder than I expected. Im writing this in the file editor itself and yet wizzes at this coding biz can write it so they can write posts from their own website, wild. Well, thats enough complaining. Its been a relaxing day, Saturdays off from work usually are. I had planned to do a lot, surprise flaked on most of the productive stuff. At least I got the music added to this website. It'd be fun to learn how to make my own music, in any fashion that leaves ears pleased. I can open up any free music studio kit and mash nonsense together, but you can only make garbage so fast and for so long, skill always exceeds meandering. I dont mean to get be all preachy, just kinda spews out before I canshut my teeth. To get back on subject: learning music would be nice for many reasons, but I mostly dont want to ruffle any feathers by using bigwigs music. I just dont know how to make a fall piano piece quite as well as I do downloading it. Did that make sense? Doesnt matter; if and I do mean IF this becomes more practical than therapeutic I cant pay any thouands clam fee to play a song from a game the dragon deems should only reside on its hoard of gold. I do think it'd be nice to get anonymous submissions and respond to them. Ive been a consumer of the internet my whole conscious life, so i understand the need to interact with a site in order to keep coming by, especially if I pin it up on a a fridge png, who knows. I considered just pasting my email, but I would need to look up how to avoid shocking images and viruses since theres always a bad apple lying around the corner with a switchblade. I mostly just want to DO something other than just my usual routine. But that doesnt mean do it sloppy. Itd be nice to be helpful, give a laugh, or simply a bemused lip and brow raise. I dont really know what bemused really means, I just vaguely remembber a context where it was used, but I know im not alone in that. Ill, look, ill make a note for myself at the beginning of the tomorrow's to lok it up. It's late as it is and I really dont need to go down a rabbit hole of google searches. I think next post Ill write about Thanksgiving, its be nice to remember Thanksgiving of 2023. Ill also look through some of my notes and see what I can write down that may inspire some interest, hopefully not of the mortified or baffled variety. Truly, this does help to write down my, okay well type but im being pedantic, thoughts, but I feel almost too free to talk--type--endlessly. Might have to consider making a brief exerpt of my day and thoughts and then make a rambling text file of everythingI truly was thinking about. It'd make everything more succient, that how you spell it? No, i know its not, but due to circumstances that dont rhyme with pumpkin pie I wont fix it. Antijokes dont quite land in text format, huh? Well, hole, pit, its time to wrap up this lengthy post, hopefully none surpass this one in scope. To our desires, cheers. If its all the same to you, ill leave this post as unhinged and unpolished. I would embed a song into here to cut the silence, but at that point Id be better off making another page, and that would defeat the ease of use I set up.