December-April, 2023-2024
I am finally back after creating a website rather than a social media site and not using it for 5 months. A lot has happened, a lot that I wish I got my own brain to ooze onto these html files, but eh. Before I rapid fire the biggest details, I should explain, at least to myself, why I dropped off the face of this page. As soon as December 1st rolled in I was immediately swamped with getting the best gifts I could for Christmas on my limited budget. On top of that I wanted to be ambitious and use images in my next post, buuut I procrastinated it. Okay rapid fire time: had a great christmas, made someone cry with tears of joy, had a great new years too at a party, wanted to go downtown, but too many people were worried, went on vacation, hiked during that vacation, boss got fired for stealing money, got new boss, work has gotten more intense since, decided to try to enlist, going to the gym, studying, nerve pain from working out or bad shoes or idk, packed everything I had and donated a lot as well, and now im just staying long enough to get a good wad of savings, attend a dental appointment since my insurance vanishes the moment im no longer and employee. Oh also my car's transmission is close to bust so theres also that. Thats pretty much it it though, probably some smaller details that I missed, but thats what i get for procrastinating. I'll try to be consistent for however long until I get sent away or move away.